vimberlin – das Zusammentreffen der vim-Benutzer Berlins

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Termin(e) - 24.10.2013
19:00 - 22:30

Büro 2.0

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Rund um den Editor vim – Tips, Tricks und schräge Hacks. Eine Veranstaltung von

Geplant sind zwei Vorträge:

  • Ways to extract certain text-components (Matthias Günther)
    There are these days at work where you have to solve certain problem but you know that this isn’t the easiest way to do it. Let me explain you my thoughts to you.
  • Fiddling around with indentation (Andrew Radev)
    One of the drawbacks I see in indent-based languages like haml or coffeescript is that they can be somewhat hard to manipulate, compared to the ones with closing tags. For the latter ones, we have snippets, endwise.vim, auto-indentation, text objects. Dealing with indent can be trickier.

    I’ve played around and built some simple tools to help me out. I didn’t get too far, but I’d like to show them off regardless, because I think they might be interesting. I’ll also demonstrate some interesting plugins on the topic that I know of. I’d love it if the attendees pitch in with their own methods of working with slim, haml, coffeescript or python.